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Surya Namaskar Health Benefits

Surya Namaskar  is a paying respect to the solar.It can also be performed at the house either in the morning or within the evening. Surya namaskar should be learnt from a proper consultant. It should be carried out on a mat and not on the naked ground. 
Benefits of Suryanamaskar
So  your day with Surya Namaskar and notice the difference in your bodily and intellectual state inside a brief period. Celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Jennifer Aniston, and plenty of others swear by using. Although Surya Namaskar will have to be a part of your morning routine.   Incorporating Surya namaskar into a daily routine can make a constructive difference to our lifestyles. When performed properly it presents an entire body heat up as good as mental recognition. The system involves deep respiration while doing the 12 asanas which is invaluable for well-being.
Yoga Poses Burn The Belly Fat

Surya namaskar can not apply in following situations-

Pregnant females will have to now not practice this after the third month of their pregnancy.
Persons suffering from arthritis, again ache or slip disc must take a doctor opinion.
Patients with a coronary heart disorder, high blood pressure, and hernia are informed against this.
Ladies must preclude Surya namaskar in the course of their periods.

 Surya namaskar has benefits for the body. The benefits of it stretch from mind to the entire physique.

Aid in weight reduction

A high-quality cardiovascular workout helping to drop a few pounds.One round of Surya namaskar burns 13.91 calories in a person weighing 61 kg.The posture will support stretch belly muscles  so shed  pounds around the belly.

Stay youthful

It supports your blood circulation so your skin looks ageless and radiant. The glow on the face and  stopping the wrinkles.

Helps you detox

As a result of lively inhalation and exhalation system, lungs emerge as fully oxygenated so get rid of toxins.

Improves your digestion

 By means of the alternate stretching and compression of the stomach, organs improve digestion.Every morning do it empty stomach.

Toned and flexible body

Tones the muscles, strength the backbone and support flexibility-The asanas carried out in Surya namaskar exercise your complete body making you extra toned and flexible.

Maintains Relaxation of mind

It helps you relax and eliminate nervousness .Attention, memory and the functioning of the frightened method elevated.

Effect on thyroid gland

It normalises your endocrine glands especially the thyroid gland.
You're going to begin solar salutation and spot the benefits of Surya namaskar.

                 For those who agree then say yes.


  1. Very interesting and easy to understand this article.

  2. Very interesting and easy to understand this article.


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